Student Stories
No one tells our story better than the students who have firsthand experience with the Partnership for the Future program. We are proud of their accomplishments and the growth and progress they have demonstrated during their time with us. And they’re only getting started.

“From learning basic workplace readiness skills to engaging in enlightening conversations, Partnership for the Future has taught me the importance of being prepared. Given the opportunities provided by Partnership for the Future, I have been able to grow as a strong, intelligent, and open-minded individual, but also as a leader.”
Camryn Green, PFF Class of 2018, now a student at the University of Virginia

“Due to the guidance of PFF, I am more aware of who I am and who I want to become…Because of limitless help and support, I have developed my ideas and personal goals into life goals. My goal is to help those millions of children who haven’t gotten to experience their rights. This is why I needed PFF –to give me a little more push of confidence to achieve that goal, to show me that I have the potential to reach my goals, to show me that I can put my potential into good use to improve the world.”
Rabia Husain, PFF Class of 2017, now a student at Virginia Commonwealth University

“What I most admire…is how PFF focuses on high school students in the metro Richmond area who don’t have as many resources as students who attend county schools. Honestly, I’m not really sure if it was my age or my limited knowledge about college, but the thought of college overall was just overwhelming. However, being a part of this program has immensely changed my viewpoints. Partnership for the Future has opened my life up to so many options, on so many levels.”
Mattea Anderson, PFF Class of 2018, now a student at Ferrum College

“This organization empowers and changes your life, allowing advancement with a positive attitude. I’ve learned personally that doors will begin to open, if you allow them to. You will begin to enhance yourself as an individual. You’ll be more susceptible to succeed in life…PFF constantly surrounds us in environments where excellence is the minimum, and that’s truly inspirational. PFF has done so much more than most know. Words couldn’t even begin to describe how blessed I am and how much PFF changed my life right before my eyes.”
Glaster Ellis, PFF Class of 2017, now a student at Hampton University

“Partnership for the Future has changed me immensely…I learned about many different career paths that I had not even thought about. I always thought that I was 100 percent sure of what I wanted to be, but Partnership for the Future taught me to think outside the box of conventional jobs and think about the things that truly interested me. They gave me the confidence that I needed to pursue a field like neuroscience without fear, and I thank them for that.”
Brianna Charlton, PFF Class of 2018, now a student at the University of Richmond