Community Sponsors

Be a Community Sponsor: Support a student and an impactful local nonprofit.

For some organizations, hosting a student intern just isn’t a good fit. If your business can’t host an intern but would still like to support us, you can sponsor a student through our Sponsor a Future Leader program. Through a financial contribution, you will enable a student to serve an internship at a local nonprofit. We will handle the details, working with the student and nonprofit, making sure that your investment helps a young person receive an experience that will have an enduring influence on them. You can choose the nonprofit or leave that up to us. Your contribution will leave a doubly resounding impact — helping not only a student but a local nonprofit that will receive valuable staff support.

Community sponsorships cover:

  • the programming and cost for a student’s participation
  • life skills workshops (time management sessions, dining etiquette, etc.)
  • one-on-one mentoring
  • cultural activities and experiences
  • college tours

We host an optional meet-and-greet night when sponsors can meet their students and the students’ parents. 

In addition to your sponsorship, we would love for your organization to consider providing volunteers to help provide instruction and guidance to our students. Professionals serve as guest speakers, attend events such as our dining etiquette night, and provide their expertise to our organization in a variety of ways.

Become a community sponsor.

Apply to participate in the Sponsor A Future Leader Program